Love, just plain love.

Yup, I admit it, I love to write romances. Yes, I’m also writing a memoir about love and loss and grief. But today, my day has just been about love. Pure, simple, uncomplicated, deeper than our bones love. We’ve been away on a little family vacation, to see a member of our non-blood family perform. One of the things we learned after the loss of our son is that some of our friends are more family to us than some blood relatives. Today, we were blessed to spend time with one of them. We saw a great performance, got completely soaked in the pouring rain, took a really long walk, and talked and talked and talked. It was a day dedicated to the power of unconditional love — to quote the band Twiddle, it was an example of “loving relentlessly,” and how lucky we are to have such relationships in our lives!

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